Brand Purpose – How Brands Create Sustainable Value

Especially in times of crisis, the topic of brand purpose has increasingly moved onto the management agenda. But does every company really need a purpose? What are the requirements for a good purpose statement? What are the challenges of introducing it in a company?

The sixth volume of Prof. Dr. Andreas Baetzgen’s successful series of books on brand management deals with these and other questions. In addition to current theories, tools, processes and management concepts, the book also provides many practical examples of how brands create value with attitude. Globeone contributed chapter 15: What distinguishes a convincing purpose?

The book is published by Schäffer-Poeschel and is available here.

For an overview of the different perspectives on the topic, we have compiled a book review in 15 theses for you to download free of charge. We wish you an exciting read and look forward to an exchange on the topic of brand purpose and the specific challenges for your company at any time.


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