From the purpose statements of the largest Swiss brands, which are convincing?
Many Swiss companies already position themselves via a socially relevant raison d’être and communicate a purpose statement that is intended to sum up this commitment. But how are the statements received by the public? Do they strike the right note and meet expectations in terms of sustainability?
The public pressure on companies and their investors to justify their business models is growing. In fact, most Swiss companies now also communicate a purpose message that succinctly summarizes their reason for existence and positive contribution to society. Or they have published statements that resemble a corporate purpose put into words as a vision or mission.
Read our latest study to find out whose statements are perceived by the public as memorable, credible, clearly articulated and relevant – and which companies are not yet realizing their full potential.
Top 5 statements

Coop, für mich und dich

Mit innovativen Sanitärprodukten verbessern wir die Lebensqualität der Menschen nachhaltig

Wir engagieren uns täglich mit Herz für die Lebensqualität der Menschen und für die Gesellschaft
Bottom 5 statements

Enabling a better, safer and more interconnected world for employees, customers, shareholders and society

To anticipate and meet future challenges by providing reliable, innovative, sustainable, and long-lasting solutions in the construction, building, and manufacturing industries

We drive competitiveness of our customers in our home markets and in international financial markets through superior services and innovation

Driven by the power of possibility. Delivering the edge

We build lasting value by serving our clients with care and entrepreneurial spirit
English statements used if German statements were unavailable

“Many purpose statements currently still miss their mark in the public eye. Often, the entire purpose concept is not yet sufficiently filled with life, actively communicated and made tangible for the target groups. Fortunately, this can be worked on, but it requires an understanding of the potential of purpose at management level.”
— Carina Hauswald, Managing Partner
“Purpose statements are an effective tool to communicate a company’s raison d’être as well as to unite the entire organization behind a common goal. It is the North Star towards successful value creation for all stakeholders.”

“Purpose statements are an effective tool to communicate a company’s raison d’être as well as to unite the entire organization behind a common goal. It is the North Star towards successful value creation for all stakeholders.”
Under the magnifying glass: The purpose statements of the largest Swiss companies.
Swiss companies have fully embraced the concept of purpose, with many already publicly positioning themselves with a socially relevant purpose. Some Swiss companies have always been organized as cooperatives and have the common good firmly in mind as a corporate purpose. Others have formulated ambitious climate goals in response to increasing pressure from the critical public and investors. And quite a few are undergoing profound transformations toward new, more sustainable business models in order to position themselves as climate-friendly and socially sustainable in the long term.
From sustainability to the great resignation: purpose is a common “North Star”
A purpose serves as a common “North Star” that not only drives the change to more sustainability, but also helps in the face of the growing willingness to terminate employment contracts. It is a strong, well-implemented purpose that brings together management, employees, investors, customers, and partners on the path to better growth and long-term success.
Ranking poorly? It is not always the statement!
The results of the present survey on the purpose statements of 46 leading Swiss companies show that only one third of the formulations are convincing to Swiss consumers. The study also reveals that many organizations are not yet exploiting the full potential of a relevant purpose statement and the positioning based on it. Of the Swiss companies surveyed, around two thirds achieve less than 50 percent approval for their statement.
The study results also signal that the real Herculean task does not lie in the development of a catchy statement but begins with the activation of a corporate purpose internally and externally. Many top managers still treat the topic of purpose rather cautiously. Intellectually, the need to position their company more strongly through a purpose has been tapped. However, managers do not always succeed in exemplifying the purpose in such a way that it finds acceptance in the depths of the organization as well as in the public. Often, this is also a question of leadership style.
Facts about the study
Purpose Statements
Q4 2022