Analysis: The triad as a recipe for success for companies
In an employee market that gives highly qualified specialists in particular more choice and negotiating power, a strong and positive corporate culture can increase employer attractiveness and be a decisive factor in attracting and retaining talent. However, decision-makers still pay far less attention to corporate culture than to purpose and strategy, for example, and are therefore wasting considerable potential.
Our analysis shows that a harmonious triad of purpose, strategy and culture can develop into a driver of sustainable corporate success – at all levels of the organisation. In this synergetic interplay, culture plays an important role in bringing strategy and purpose to life in a company.
Many large, successful companies such as Microsoft, Netflix and Best Buy have been demonstrating for years what a positive corporate culture can achieve. Their CEOs recognised the importance of culture early on. What do these companies do differently? Read our white paper to find out why the right corporate culture is a real growth driver – and which factors you should pay particular attention to.